Why use Heaviness Score?

Decrease User Frustration, Save Reputation, Improve UX
Confiant has simplified how publishers can manage slow and resource heavy ads. We added a new feature to our already feature-rich real-time detection and blocking solutions to further enable publishers to take control of their ad experiences called Heaviness Score, included FREE with your Confiant account.
Nearly half (over 47%) of users will abandon a page if it doesn’t load in 2 seconds or less*
With Heaviness Score, we break down multiple contributing factors for you on a 5-level scale, ranging from less heavy to very heavy, so you can seamlessly identify and/or block those ads diminishing your UX. Just select your thresholds, and we’ll do the rest.
Heaviness Score uses multiple contributing factors to rank an ads impact including: Total Network Load, Total Distinct Hosts, and Creatives frequently blocked by Chrome Heavy Ad Intervention (CHAI).